Get end-to-end visibility and contextual insights for your complex hybrid networks

Selector’s network connectivity solution continuously measures and monitors the availability, response time and functionality of your network, enabling you to quickly diagnose and remediate connectivity issues.

As service assurance becomes increasingly critical, operators require better insight to manage the network. Selector’s connectivity solution generates and analyzes traffic to provide real-time and historical performance statistics of your network’s links and paths, enabling a deeper understanding of how web applications, APIs, and other network services perform.

Leverage insight for data-driven decision-making

Test with TCP, UDP, ICMP or a hybrid thereof to best represent your production traffic.
Quickly identify connectivity and performance issues through real-time measurement of packet loss, jitter and latency.
Pinpoint problems faster to dramatically reduce troubleshooting, guesswork, MTTR and user impact.

Get to root cause faster

Develop a holistic understanding of your network, devices, and services that enables you and your team but doesn’t leave you drowning in data.
Leverage advanced machine learning to analyze, tag, and correlate all event data points and connections across your entire network.
Get contextual, correlated event alerts that identify specific issues and potential underlying causes.

Integrate with complex hybrid infrastructure

Get unparalleled observability with native Equal-Cost Multi-Path (ECMP) and Multi-VRF Routing support. Automatically collect telemetry across a broad range of targets, enabling end-to-end visibility across your complex, multi-vendor networks.
Breathe new life into your existing Brix, Accedian, or proprietary probes – minimizing architectural changes while increasing the functionality of your existing solution.
Simulate real-world end-user actions with synthetic testing, validating functionality and measuring a given service or hardware’s end-to-end performance.

Absolutely fantastic company. Their approach to intelligent network monitoring and analytics is unique and refreshing.

I can’t recommend them highly enough. I honestly get excited by weekly catch-up calls because of the possibilities

John Neiberger
Principal Engineer

Explore the Selector platform